10 January 2015

     The Experts said, the real instinct we can detect a lie put forward others, unfortunately conscious mind hinder the natural instincts. In other words, for common people to detect lies quite difficult.

     Well it turns out there are other ways that we can do to detect lies, ie by observing body language habits or liar. Dr Lillian Glass, body language analysis expert who has worked for the FBI sets out what is being done when someone is lying.

1. Change the position of the head

     If you ask a question, and the person you ask it to change the position of the head such as tilt, down, pull the head back before he answered means he is lying.

2. Changes in breathing pattern

     If someone starts lying they tend to breathe more heavily, this because the heart rate and blood flow changes (becomes tense and nervous).

3. Standing silent

     Instinctively you will speak while moving the limbs, but if someone is talking to a standstill this should be wary because this rigid position indicates the person is in a state of "survive".

4. Repeat the word

     Repeating the word indicates that the person is convincing lie to himself. In addition it can also he was buying time to prepare the next lie.

5. Talking too much

     If you ask a question and the person turned bombard you with long answers, which even detailed information is not related to your question, it could be he is lying, liar usually bombard you with information that you believe.

6. Touching the mouth

     Holding the mouth or lips basically indicates that the person is reluctant to talk. The fact that out of the mouths of people who are reluctant to speak may be invalid.

7. Cover the vulnerable parts of the body

     When people lie and become nervous they tend to cover body parts that are considered vulnerable such as the throat, stomach, and chest.

8. Move the foot

     When people lie they tend to move / shake legs, this behavior indicates that people are not comfortable with the situation and wanted to go.

9. It is difficult to talk

     For this case usually when people under stress, the nervous system automatically reduces the production of saliva, the effect is dry mouth and difficulty talking.

10. Staring too long

     Notice whether the other person look into your eyes too long without blinking, it could be he was trying to influence you through his eyes.

Written By : Arbha ~ Public-DYK

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