28 March 2015

     These foods are actually delicious exotic dishes and found all over the world. However, there are certain warning if you want to eat it. Here are the foods that could make you sick or even kill you.

1. Fugu Fish

Ikan Fugu
 Fugu Fish

     Fugu or puffer fish is a fish that is renowned for its ability to kill, if it was served the wrong way. This fish is delicious dishes in Japan. There are more than 3,800 restaurants fugu in Japan. Chefs who prepare fugu fish must pass through many years of hard training to get a certification that allows them to prepare fugu fish to eat.

2. Casu Marzu

Casu Marzu
 Casu Marzu

     Basically, this is a rotten cheese contained maggots in it. Yes, this disgusting dish is a tradition for the people of Sardinia, an island in Italy. The locals put cheese out openly to let the flies lay their eggs in it, which then hatch into maggots and eat thousands of cheese, causing fermentation. When ingested, the larvae can bore through the human intestinal wall and cause severe illness. This dish has been banned throughout Europe, but there is a black market that sold it.

3. Hákarl


     This is a shark from Greenland that do not have a urinary tract and highly toxic. To present the traditional Icelandic dishes, the chef must memfermentasikannya and hang it for six months for the toxic substances that accumulate in the flesh filtered.

4. Ackee


     National fruit of Jamaica, ackee, actually comes from West Africa. If taken before actually mature, ackee can cause Jamaican vomiting sickness or disease Jamaican vomiting, which can result in coma or death. It is caused by a toxin called hypoglycin. Black seeds are always poisonous.

Written By : Arbha ~ Public-DYK

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