28 March 2015

3 Kata Terlarang Yang Harus Kita Hindari

     Whatever we say to ourselves in everyday life, has a strong influence on our minds. Therefore, multiply positive sentence, and avoid sentences that have the potential to drop yourself or block your potential.

The Words That You Should Avoid Are :


     Often when we are faced with a target or a job that seems rather difficult we tend to like to say, I could not. You need to know when you say, I can not then immediately your words will only make your mind closed the door to find a way and try. Conversely, if you say I can not still make our brains work to find a way. If you often say I can not then this may limit the ability of yourself.
     The attitude was not able to also cripple your potential and creativity. You also can pronounce my first try, at least that way you will know how your ability to achieve something. To be a true Achiever never again I can not say the word, especially in matters relating to your ability.


     People often say that it is impossible to close the various doors miracle. With this attitude they will be difficult to achieve something great. Because almost everything that we enjoy today is something that is impossible in the day yesterday. All outstanding achievement begins with a belief that it might be done or realized.
     The proof, if you notice a variety of advanced technology equipment today, first time may initially many people who think it's impossible but it is now it is possible to be created. It means whatever you want to achieve at this time in terms of career, finances, family, or the development yourself, it is very likely to be achieved. An achiever must learn to look at every possible behind an impossibility. It will bring many miracles happen in your life.


     Every time you say that I already know, actually you're closing the doors of learning. So we are no longer trying to learn new things. Whereas in life there are always things we can learn. If you read books, attend seminars or communicate with knowingly then you will never learn anything. Because the achiever is one who is always willing to learn and want to find out. When one considers that he already knew all that foolishness. In fact the more you really know, the more you realize that you do not know. Knowledge only comes to those who are ready to accept it.

Written By : Arbha ~ Public-DYK

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