28 May 2015

     November 5th, 1960, an expedition team consisting of 11 scientists and doctors stranded in one of the most remote region in Russia. They had a long journey for 36 days at the sea from Russia. At least the new ship will be back for another year.
     In the middle of the mission, a Russian doctor, Leonid Rogozov suddenly experienced tremendous abdominal pain. On 29th April 1961 morning, he is shivering behind snows. Stomach pains, nausea, fever and weakness. His condition continued to deteriorate more nights.
     The next day, an attempt to bring it to the hospital doctor had failed to be reached due to severe snow storm around the station Novolazarevskaya. Not to mention the distance that must be passed to a hospital for more than 1,600 km.
     At that time, only two Rogozov choice. Died because of the risk of complications of appendicitis or survival by undergoing surgery alone. The last attempt was finally done. At 02:00 local time, he asked for help from the driver and meteorology to hold a mirror so he could see the inside of the stomach.
     Lying and body leaning forward, Rogozov start operations. Starting with the administration of local anesthesia using a 0.5% solution of novocaine. After that he began to dissect the stomach, make an incision 10-12 cm from the abdominal wall, and open the peritoneum (the space inside the lower abdomen).
     After 40 minutes of surgery, she started weak and experiencing vertigo. At one point, he said, his intestines strange noises. According to her, it is enough to make them want to escape. Shortly after resting a few minutes, the operation resumed around 04:00 and the operation was completed.
     In his diary, Rogozov recalled how he through operations. "I did not sleep at all. The pain was incredible! It was like a blizzard whipping me and bitten hundred wolves, "he said, as published by DailyMail.
     "I am scared. But when I inject novocaine, for some reason I immediately perform automatic operation, and since then I do not remember anything else. Bleeding makes me vertigo, the longer I was weak and feeble. Every 4-5 minutes, I rest for 20-25 seconds, "he said.
     After four days of taking antibiotics, the fifth day Rogozov body temperature returned to normal. After a week he was also increasingly recovered. Within two weeks, he was back on duty at the base.

     More than one year later, their ship arrived at the port of Leningrad. Antartica expedition left the team on May 29th, 1962. Upon his return from there, Rogozov working and teaching in General Surgery unit First Leningrad Medical Institute to the rest of his life.
     Details of this marvelous story written by his son Vladislav and published in the British Medical Journal.

Written By : Arbha ~ Public-DYK

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