17 May 2015

     One the famous illusion is Ponzo Illusion. The simplest case is when the two horizontal lines, one above the other, lies between two adjacent vertical slashes. Well, the upper horizontal line will look longer than a line under, even though they are the same length.
     Do you always believe that what you see is indeed such that the event, shape or color? In other words, if you always believe your eyes ?
     This post explores illusions pictures and video that will make your eyes or rather your brain will fool yourself. Even if the more you go to the bottom of this post, you may not believe that actually you are deceiving your eyes, and may even be accused of posts this is deceptive.

Ponzo Illusion

     One is the famous illusion Ponzo Illusion. The simplest case is when the two horizontal lines, one above the other, lies between two adjacent vertical slashes. Well, the upper horizontal line will look longer than a line under, even though they are the same length.
     The illusion works because our brains a bit weird. Slashes make us think that anything near the top means more distant, tilted vertical lines is forcing our brains to think that this line is parallel but seen approaching in the distance (such as railroads). Two horizontal lines are physically the same length, yet our brain to think that the above is more distant. If it is further away, then the above line should be greater than that below. So we feel like it.

Hasil gambar untuk ponzo illusion
Examples of  the Ponzo illusion

     In that photo above, you will notice that the vertical black bold line on the right is much longer than the one on the left, isn't it? Appears to the right of the line is almost twice as long. This is a very strong perception.
     Cut images on the two black bold lines and place them side by side, the two black bold lines that should have exactly the same length(do it if you do not believe)
     The example above is a very good example. You can see the tile wall has narrowed the distance, and their horizontal layout, complete with a line between them, forcing your brain to see the lines on the right as more distant. This is the Ponzo illusion !

Peripheral Drift Illusion

     Do you see the wheels or patterns in the image above moving? But this picture is not a GIF Picture ! Movement on the image occurs because our eye movements are fast, even if you think your eyes are not moving. Rapid eye movement we have called saccades.
     Humans and other animals do not see a scene with stability remain, but with eyes that move. When scanning the scene in front of you or reading these words now, your eyes make saccadic movements and stopped several times, moving very quickly between each stop. We can not consciously control the speed of movement during each saccade. Eyes moving as fast as they could. One reason for saccadic movements of the human eye is that the central part of the retina known as the fovea - play an important role in seeing the object. This eye movements make small parts of a scene can be felt with greater resolution, the resources can be used more efficiently body.

The Cat even fooled figuring the static image moving.

Similar with the picture above, only the image below but does not move.

     We see little boxes above as if making a spiral pattern, but if we observe a longer (though difficult) we will see little boxes is actually formed circles, Not spiral! How many circles ?

Another Illusion Video

source : http://versesofuniverse.blogspot.com/

Written By : Arbha ~ Public-DYK

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