04 December 2014

     Ocean that covers about two-thirds of the Earth is estimated is where life on earth began. Life in the ocean evolved 3 billion years before life on land. And at sea over a wide range, which may very strange to us.

1. Comb Jellyfish

     Rainbow color was not as bioluminescence, but the light of cilia movement used by the comb jellyfish to move through the water.

2. Sarcastic Fringehead

     This territorial fish usually found hiding inside objects on the seabed. When they opened a big mouth, we certainly will remember the Predator character in the movie Predator.

3. Ribbon Eels

     This tape is a kind of eel moray eel. They all started as a male, but will begin to develop parts to his female when they are adults.

4. Worms Bobbit

     Bobbit worm can grow up to 10 feets in length and attack with strength that can be dragged or even tear the fish's body in half.

5. Shark Goblin

     Sharks this one is a little different from other sharks nation. This shark has teeth like nails on a moveable jaw is far out of his mouth to devour its prey. We certainly would be difficult to find, because the deep sea habitats that rarely come into contact with humans.

6. Salp

     Salps play an important role in the carbon cycle, as they solidify their waste products into carbon-containing pellets that sink to the ocean floor. It is very effective to remove carbon from the surface of the water.

7. Sea Spider

     If you think the ocean is free of spiders, think again! Although they look like spiders frequently encountered on the ground, but they are not of one family.

8. Worm Pompeii

     These worms thrive in super hot water near hydrothermal vents and became one of the creatures in the world's most tolerant of heat.

7. Blobfish

     Blobfish may have been as the ugliest animal in the world, but without the need to think again we would definitely agree with that opinion. These fish live in an environment which is about 4.000 feets below sea level.

8. Flower Hat Jellyfish

     This jellyfish eat small fish and sometimes mutually devour one another or cannibals. Their size can be enlarged or shrunk depending on the available food supply.

9. Marrus orthocanna

     This is not an individual animal, but an animal colony consisting of several individuals (called zooids) connected by some sort of stick.

10. Leafy Seadragon

     This slow moving fish are in the same family as seahorses and rely on their appendix-like leaves to camouflage and protection from predators.

11. Jellyfish Atolla

     This jellyfish looks like a UFO and aliens are similar, because like most jellyfish, they do not have the digestive, respiratory, circulatory, or central nervous system.

12. Sea Butterfly

     Butterflies Sea is a small sea snail that float and swim through the water with two legs that resemble wings.

13. Glass Squid

     There are about 60 species of squid glass which makes them one of the largest family of squid.

14. Sea Cucumber

     Sea cucumber is so transparent that the digestive system is visible from the outside.

15. Squidworm

     Appendages like tentacles on the head of this squidworm longer than the entire body and is used to collect food from the water.

16. Lobster Claws Sangar

     When the deep sea lobster with terrible claws was found in 2007, a new genus was created for him.

17. Venus Flytrap Sea Anemone

     Sea anemone is named venus flytrap because its shape is similar to a venus flytrap plants and how to eat them by trapping food in the "mouth" of his.

18. Mola Mola

     Mola Mola also known as ocean sunfish and is the largest of its kind bonyfish. They can weigh up to 2 tons more.

19. Red-Lipped Batfish

     These fish are not so good at swimming, but they use their fins to walk along the ocean floor.

20. Dumbo Octopus

     Named because of its ear-like fins that resemble Dumbo ears. This octopus live deeper than the other is at a depth of up to 13.000 feets above sea level.

21. Flamingo Tongue Snail

     These animals are found in many Caribbean reefs and the Atlantic, from Flamingo Tongue Snail Prey is poisonous sea fans. But instead of suffering from poisoning, they actually make toxins sea fans into their own weapons.
     The collector Shell (shell or cochlea) are often attracted to colorful snails, but in fact this is only a snail shell white and snails in the shell that is what produces a striking color pattern as seen in the photo above.

Written By : Arbha ~ Public-DYK

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