04 December 2014

     God would not create anything in vain. Yes, it is true. Everything in this world is created with a specific purpose. Including the presence of the animal's tail. What is its function? Why should animals have tails, while we, humans, are not?


     Basic functions where individual animals can be divided into the following groups:

1. Maintain Balance and Movement Helps

     For some animals, the tail serves as guardian of balance, especially when performing certain activities. For example, a cat who use their tail as a counterweight when walking in places where "dangerous" as the roof of the house or the edge of the abyss.


     Squirrels also use the tail as a guard balance when they're on top of the tree. Function that is still associated with balancing the body is to help the movement.


     Birds and fish using the tail as controlling the direction of motion, even cheetahs used to assist the process of turning tail and turned while running hard chasing prey.


2. As a Communication Tool

     Examples of using animals as a means of communication is the tail of a peacock and a dog. Male peacocks use their tails are very pretty as a tool to attract peahen to enter into marriage.


     While dogs using the tail as a medium to convey something (usually the owner). The dog will be wagging tail when happy, and lowers the tail when you feel sad.


3. Self Defense Tools

     Yes, self defense becomes very important especially in the wild. Crocodiles, scorpions, kangaroos, snakes and lizards are examples of animals that use the tail as a means to defend themselves.


     Some animals use directly tail to attack the opponent, such as crocodiles, scorpions and kangaroos. Some are using the tail as a distraction, as did the lizards and lizard.

4. Maintain body temperature

     Foxes that live in areas with extreme temperature changes using their tails are long and warm as a natural blanket. Ensure that they do not freeze to death while sleeping.


     Snow Leopard, distant family cat, also use their tails are long and thick to cover the neck and other body parts at night.


5. Other Functions

     In addition to the functions mentioned above, there are many animals who use their tails for a variety of purposes. For example, long-tailed macaques are using them as a hand that can help to climb a tree to hold a tree branch or a banana.


     Horses and cows using tail to keep the flies and other insects that come to bother.

Written By : Arbha ~ Public-DYK

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